On Breast Cancer Awareness Month,
Let’s Go Hand in Hand.

Prevention, early detection and proper treatment are the best tools to fight this disease.

It’s important to be aware of the symptoms; and it’s critical for women of all ages to do breast self-exams at least once a month.

VUMI Canada® goes hand in hand with our insureds diagnosed with breast cancer, offering them access to the best possible treatment, according to their medical condition, in top hospitals and clinics worldwide. In addition, VUMI Canada® makes our Second Medical Opinion VIP® and VIP Patient Concierge Service available to our insureds, working hand in hand with the VUMI Canada® medical team to support her and her family throughout the process.

Throughout this month, we will share relevant and vital information to help win this fight.

Click on the video to see a message
VUMI Canada® created for all women.

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